How does Adeaca PBA track project progress?

Adeaca PBA includes several progress metrics, both operational and financial in nature.

Completed work percentage is computed at all levels of the WBS by comparing the remaining work estimate to actual work posted. Additionally, scheduled progress can be analyzed graphically in the Gantt chart based on the workflow status of WBS tasks and remaining work estimates.

Learn more about Adeaca PBA Project Operations

EAC (Estimate at Completion) completion is tracked at all levels of the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS). EAC completion is an expression of actual costs out of most recent estimate of the project. EACs are typically reevaluated at least monthly as part of the period close process. In many cases, EACs are updated weekly or even daily to provide accurate financial performance indicators.

You can also maintain quantity budgets against your project. In Adeaca PBA, the quantity budget is called a deliverable budget. A deliverable can represent anything you want to track progress against. Typical examples vary by industry but often include: m2, kg, miles, units, percentage and so forth. By comparing the reported completed deliverables to the budgeted deliverables, the deliverable progress is computed. The deliverable progress then is used to calculate productivity indicators and can also be used to make automatic adjustments to EAC.

Learn more about Adeaca PBA Project Financials

The Earned Value Analytics (EVA) framework includes its own progress indicators, namely the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI). The CPI reports actual progress (earned value), based on defined EVA earning principles, out of expected progress (planned value).

Henrik Lerkenfeld

Henrik is Adeaca's Head of Product Development. Henrik has deep roots in Microsoft Dynamics, having been part of the original Axapta ecosystem and Microsoft’s team after it was acquired. His knowledge of project industries and his systematic process design approach is a crucial component of Adeaca’s customers' success.

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