We help project-driven organizations solve their most complex business problems

We transform project-based businesses through expert-led process reengineering and our comprehensive Project Business Automation (PBA) system.

Work with Adeaca if you want to move from fragmented tools and processes to a single, streamlined platform and way of working that integrates all your project business functions.

Who We Serve

Our offering is designed for organizations with complex projects that demand a higher level of visibility, control, and governance. Typically, these enterprises are in the advanced engineer-to-order (ETO) manufacturing and professional services space. Project-driven industries we serve include aerospace, defense, energy, industrial equipment, modular construction, engineering services, pharmaceutical CDMOs, and many others.

By combining our technology and expert services, Adeaca ensures these companies achieve their operational goals and maximize the value of the system we provide.

Project Business Leaders: Tame the Chaos in Your Organization

Fix the silos of people, applications, and data that cause delays, budget overruns and higher risk.

project business future state

Here’s what that means to your business:

real-time information

Make business decisions with dynamic, real-time information instead of stale reports

process automation

Reshape processes and teams to work better together

project risk management

Manage risk more effectively to reduce overruns and delays

resource management

Optimize utilization of revenue producing resources

increase capacity

Maximize capacity for project work

reduce burden

Reduce the administrative burden on your team

Discover How Project Business Transformation Can Revolutionize Your Organization

Are you ready to transform the way your project business operates? You need more than just software. You need to transform your project organization. Download our exclusive eBook: Project Business Transformation with PBA to uncover the strategies you need to revolutionize project business management in your organization.

What you will learn:

  • How Project Business Transformation (PBT) optimizes your project business processes end-to-end.
  • Why traditional approaches using tools and solutions simply don’t work long-term.
  • The key steps to prepare your organization for a seamless transformation.
  • The benefits of real-time insights, reduced risk, and improved decision-making through a unified project business system.
  • How Project Business Automation from Adeaca will help you accomplish this transformation

Discover how to take your project business to the next level through Project Business Transformation with Adeaca PBA.

Download your eBook today.

Project Business Automation from Adeaca

PBA is the complete project business system that enables your transformation.

PBA codifies your transformation. It streamlines and manages all project business processes and data, providing a single source of truth and effective governance.

Project Businesses Leaders Choose PBA

We help our clients simplify the complex world of project business in any industry

Aerospace & Defense

Defense contractor, Northrop Grumman needed to streamline its project business processes in its international subsidiaries while ensuring accurate and timely data flow to US management.

Specialty Construction

APi Group, a $6B specialty contractor construction firm, uses Adeaca PBA to standardize business processes across its portfolio of subsidiaries, providing real-time insights to executives to help make better, more timely decisions.

Biotech / Pharma

Arranta Bio is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) specializing in new therapies for diseases linked to the human microbiome. Arranta Bio needed to integrate more project capabilities into their business system, including project cost management, resource management, and real-time project insight.

Manufacturing & Construction

Z Modular is a project-driven, one-stop shop for modular buildings and services that utilizes a self-bracing structural system that enables more factory completion than other modular construction system. Z Modular needed a fully integrated business system to control costs and ensure delivery to its customers.

Find answers to your questions

Discover more or engage with our project business experts.

PBA Quick Guide

Transform with PBA

Download our exclusive eBook: Project Business Transformation with PBA to uncover the strategies you need to revolutionize project business management in your organization.


PBA Fit Assessment

Quickly find out if Project Business Automation will work for your company. Based on your company's profile, we will share how your transformation with Adeaca will solve your problems and bring value to your business.

Send a Message

Simply start an email dialogue to gather some more information about how we work and the transformation we may be able to bring to your organization.