Earned Value Analysis in Real Time

Implement Earned Value Management (EVM) and analyze your earned value on one platform with Project Business Automation from Adeaca.

With Earned Value Analysis (EVA) from Adeaca, project-based enterprises can manage the schedule and costs of their projects together in one system, with complete, real-time visibility across all projects. Adeaca PBA provides a fully integrated Earned Value Management System.

Discover How Project Business Transformation Can Revolutionize Your Organization

Are you ready to transform the way your project business operates? You need more than just software. You need to transform your project organization. Download our exclusive eBook: Project Business Transformation with PBA to uncover the strategies you need to revolutionize project business management in your organization.

What you will learn:

  • How Project Business Transformation (PBT) optimizes your project business processes end-to-end.
  • Why traditional approaches using tools and solutions simply don’t work long-term.
  • The key steps to prepare your organization for a seamless transformation.
  • The benefits of real-time insights, reduced risk, and improved decision-making through a unified project business system.
  • How Project Business Automation from Adeaca will help you accomplish this transformation

Discover how to take your project business to the next level through Project Business Transformation with Adeaca PBA.

Download your eBook today.

Integration is key to accurate and timely EVA

To achieve a proper Earned Value Analysis, you must know two things: 1) are we on time; and 2) are we on budget? For most companies, these are calculated in different systems completely unrelated to each other, causing delays, errors and efficiencies in calculating EVA.

Adeaca PBA provides all prerequisites for Earned Value Management in a single integrated system. This ensures not only that that earned value data is readily available but also that the EVM data is generated by and maintained within transparent, auditable and managed processes.

EVA Timeline

Time-phased approach

In Adeaca PBA™, the cost budget is time-phased as part of the estimation process. This is done either by applying the scheduled timeline from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) or by assigning dates and distribution curves to budget positions against the Costs Breakdown Structure (CBS).

EVA data source

Single source of truth

Because Adeaca PBA is a single integrated solution used for financial as well as operational project management, costs are recorded directly against the native CBS and can be directly incorporated into EVA computations without translating, mapping, importing or otherwise manipulating the data.

EVA trend analysis

Trending & forecasting built in

Progress is continually monitored across a range of financial and operational indicators. The recorded progress is locked down as part of the month-end process which forms the basis of earned value calculations. The EVA dataset is completely embedded in the general project costing data and stored for future analysis and to serve as the basis for trend analysis.

Out-of-the-box support for Earned Value Management

In Adeaca PBA, CBS levels for earned value are user defined which means that even complex projects can be configured to be driven by only a handful of EVA accounts. This provides Earned Value Analysis performance metrics with minimum efforts required and is an excellent route for companies get started with EVA without completely up ending their business processes to support EVA.

Easily configurable for your business

Likewise, the support for multiple EVA principles (or “earning rules”) means that clients can configure earned value to be computed based on progress indicators with which they are comfortable and are able to effectively track and maintain.

Project Business Requirements Template

The most comprehensive business system requirements document for project-driven processes.

400+ criteria you can use immediately to evaluate any business system for its Project Business capabilities.

  • Create or supplement your own RFI or business requirements document
  • Set parameters and evaluate vendor demonstrations around the included features
  • Rethink your tools and systems strategy supported by tangible criteria

Any company exploring a new project/portfolio management, project accounting, project analytics, ERP, or related system needs this template.

Native support for EVA fundamentals

The base EVA configuration is done against the CBS. The configuration includes a definition of the CBS level at which earned value is computed and which EVA principles are used to drive earned value computations. Supported EVA principles include:

  • Estimate at Completion (EAC)
  • Completed work
  • Deliverables
  • Production units
  • Physical inspection

Costing Sheet with EVA Metrics

EVA Dashboard

Earned Value S-Curve

The S-Curve presentation provides a project level summary of planned value, earned value and actual costs for all preceding and future periods. This is the manager’s level view of how projects are performing.

Earned Value Analysis Details

The detailed EVA view reports earned value metrics for each defined EVA level in the CBS. The detailed view also includes the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI) along with cost and schedule variances accompanied by sensor points™ to highlight extreme metrics.

Considering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations? 

Download the Whitepaper: Dynamics 365 Project Operations and Project Business Automation

For your project-driven business on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, you may consider the new offering from Microsoft called Project Operations. But what is Project Operations, who is it for, and what exactly are you getting? Find out in this whitepaper.

In this document, we explore the best types of industries and businesses that should find value in Project Operations and those that will need something more. We provide a high-level comparison between the functionality found in Dynamics 365 and Adeaca PBA, so you can decide what makes the most sense for you.

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PBA Quick Guide

Transform with PBA

Download our exclusive eBook: Project Business Transformation with PBA to uncover the strategies you need to revolutionize project business management in your organization.


PBA Fit Assessment

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