Earned Value Management System
Know Your Business: Real-time Earned Value Management
Calculate EAC and earned value automatically and in real-time.
Every day you should know the exact financial status of your projects, and your business as a whole. Earned Value Analysis is not something you do if you can get to it. It should be a cornerstone of your project financial management.
Make Earned Value Easy
Most companies find gathering the required data and calculating earned value on their projects difficult. It should be easy and automatic, an integrated way in which you manage your business.
Systemize Your Earned Value Management
Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is difficult if you are trying to manually gather data form multiple disparate systems in Excel to do it.
The solution is to create a system that brings all the data together seamless and automatically calculates your EVA in real-time.
Key Earned Value Management Capabilities
Time-phased budgeting
The cost budget is time-phased as part of the estimation process, which allows you to properly set up your planned value for the project phases.
Single source of truth
A single integrated solution for financial and operational project management enables costs to be directly incorporated into EVA computations without translating, mapping, importing or otherwise manipulating data.
Trending & forecasting
Progress is continually monitored across a range of financial and operational indicators. The recorded progress is locked down as part of the month-end process which forms the basis of earned value calculations.
Earned Value Fundamental Insight
The point of Earned Value Management is to answer three basic questions.
Where have you been? > Where are you now? > Where are you going?
To answer these questions, you need these earned value fundamentals easily and consistently calculated.
Adeaca provides these insights automatically as part of Adeaca PBA.
Schedule Variance (SV)
A measure of the difference between your planned progress and your actual progress to date.
Cost Variance (CV)
A measure of the difference between your planned spend and your actual costs to date.
Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
This is your Schedule Variance translated into an index that is easily comparable across tasks and projects. When SPI is above 1.00, you’re ahead of schedule. If it’s below 1.00, you’re behind.
Cost Performance Index (CPI)
This is basically your Cost Variance translated into an index that is easily comparable across tasks and projects. When CPI is over 1.00, you’re under budget, and when it’s under 1.00, you’re overspending.
Estimate at Completion (EAC)
The best estimate of the total cost at completion of the project. The EAC is calculated ongoing during the project to provide the most up-to-date financial status of the project.
How Earned Value Managent Benefits Your Business
When you commit to a better estimation process in your organization you can expect better results for you can your clients.
Predict Project
EVM principles such as SPI and CPI are strong predictors of project success. Know exactly where your projects are headed so you can make the best strategic business decisions.
Consistently evaluating earned value on your projects provides a robust and transparent mechanism for controlling costs and operational variances.
Optimize Efficiency
and Capacity
Knowing what it will take to complete a given project at all times helps you plan your resources accordingly. You can prevent overbooking valuable resources while redeploying ones not used.
If the EVM principles start to predict poor project performance, you can drill down and fix those issues before they materialize into major problems that jeopardize the project’s success.
Adeaca PBA Earned Value Analysis
Automate your Earned Value Management (EVM) with Adeaca Project Business Automation
- Out-of-the-box support for EVM
- Easily configurable for your business
- EVA dashboard for quick performance measurement
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