The Project Business Automation Blueprint
The Definitive Guide to a new category of business systems for project-based companies
Project Business Automation is a new approach in solutions for project-driven companies and defines new rules for what your business system should look like. If you are in architecture, engineering and construction, ETO/contract manufacturing or professional services, you need this Blueprint.
Download the PBA Blueprint
Project Business Automation is a new category of software systems for project-based companies now recognized by Forrester as the next paradigm-shifting solution. Project Business Automation is changing project-driven industries dramatically, including:
- Architecture, Engineering & Construction
- ETO/Contract Manufacturing
- Professional Services
- Aerospace & Defense
- Energy & Utilities
The PBA Blueprint will help you understand how to apply new rules to improve your key business drivers as a project-driven company. It includes details that outline what PBA is, how it works, and why it is needed in the market.
What’s in the PBA Blueprint:
- The problem PBA solves and why it is needed
- Core elements of PBA and how they work
- How you can enhance PBA for your company
- The business case for PBA and benefits for each stakeholder
- What PBA means for the future of project business
PBA promises to transform the project industries across the world. Get the facts and understand how you can leverage this technology for your company.
Download the PBA Blueprint now!