Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA
Manage subcontracts with real-time integrated project data
Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA provides seamless integration between accounting data and delivery operations.
Subcontract Management in a Generation 3 Project Business System
Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA provides unique capabilities that go beyond other solutions on the market.
Generation 1 and 2 systems today do not integrate their project financials and operations, and as a result, companies must manage multiple engagements while manually trying to integrate critical project data.
Due to the true integration of a generation 3 system, subcontracting in Adeaca PBA enables project-driven companies to manage and control subcontracts by providing real-time integrated data between project operations, project financials, and project insight.
A Fluid Scope of Work for Managing Your Subcontracts
Collaborate with subcontractors and stay informed about the progress of all projects.
When multiple engagements are happening simultaneously, there’s always a significant increase in paperwork and subcontractor oversight required. Adeaca PBA provides one integrated business platform so there’s no manual integration required between project operations and project financials.
Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA provides a seamless integration between the accounting data and the delivery operations.
Track receipt of required documentation like insurance details, certificates, and waivers, etc. on a weekly or monthly basis.
Subcontract management in Adeaca PBA provides a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that facilitates collaboration with subcontractors to stay informed about the status of all projects.
How Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA Works
Simple and clean subcontracting layout
With change management as a major part of a subcontract, managing subcontracts in a PO can be tedious as it often is a very complex, financial document.
Subcontract management in Adeaca PBA provides simplified subcontracting tracking, with each item associated with the cost breakdown structure, the central planning structure against which all project financial activities are planned and managed.
Change order management
Change management is a formalized part of a subcontract. Subcontracts are subject to tight change control and approval processes. In Adeaca PBA, subcontract management ensures cost commitments and payments are always based on the currently approved schedule of values and any pending change orders are clearly called out.
Furthermore, any change orders you receive from your subcontractor can be easily converted into a change order for your customer.
How Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA brings value to your organization
Better Cost Control
Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA ensures that cost commitments and payments are always based on the currently approved schedule of values and that pending change orders are called out, resulting in clear financial implications in your projects and rolling up into your portfolio.
Enhanced Risk Readiness
Adeaca PBA provides real-time, seamless integration between the accounting data and the delivery operations, ensuring project managers are alerted to any change orders immediately so the necessary adjustments can be made.
Improved Delivery
Subcontract management in Adeaca PBA provides change management capabilities but a framework to control submittals which ensures all documentation is received and the successful delivery of the project.
Download the Feature Brief: Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA
Download the Subcontracting in Adeaca PBA Feature Brief to learn more and discover what it can do for your company.
What you will learn:
- What is subcontracting in Adeaca PBA and its purpose
- How does it work
- Problems subcontracting in Adeaca PBA solves
- Use cases for subcontracting in Adeaca PBA
- How subcontracting in Adeaca PBA will benefit your company
If you struggle to have tight change control and approval processes when managing your subcontracts, you need this brief.
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